Director's Message
All human beings construct their understanding of things and the most an education process can do is to provide tools & methods and settings in which children can become better at thinking things through and constructing their own understanding. Moreover, it is a known fact that education is a lifelong process that is to be nurtured with love and care. It must be built on a firm and broad foundation for students to excel in life. The turn of the millennium has constantly been throwing up various challenges to mankind. And we must realize that we are living in a ‘fast forward’ age.
Everything is changing at a speed. We are now exposed to the omnipresence of mass media. The growing volume of information and knowledge through various technologies “Digital World” has established the fact that access to knowledge is free and quick. In spite of the rapid progress in information technology and society at large, it is being realized that there is a gaping void with regard to the holistic and integral development of an individual personality. As an educationist, I personally believe that everyone would like to move ahead for a value-based system of education. We believe and accept that education is a formative process. The schools, in particular, have a greater role to play in the fast-changing world of today to instil human values in the children and to prepare them to face life as it comes.